January 24, 2013

Humbaba -- Tablet 3

From Miss E:

Today marked the third day of following Gilgamesh's epic adventure. First, we briefly recounted last week's class, which led to discussing the length of time that has passed since the reign of Gilgamesh, around 4,000 years ago. This in turn led to quite some interesting questions from the group.... E: How long ago did life on Earth start? H: How was the first person born? J: Maybe two dinosaurs had a human. I think the life started when everything was still, then it all went CRASH together [these aren't their exact words, but it's the general idea].
Then we dove right into Tablet 3. During this part of the story, Gilgamesh, and his new BFF, Enkidu, plot to enter into the forbidden Cedar Forest, ruled by the fearsome Humbaba. This gigantic, horrid monster was traditionally known to have a lion's head and dragon's teeth. Today we painted Humbabas of our own, quite a sight to behold!

After imagining these gruesome monsters coming to life from the paper, as E excitedly did, we settled down to finish painting our beads.